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『 密界兵器 』 今日: 0|主题: 601|排名: 9 

版主: Nisy


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预览 [PEtools] PE Tools v1.9.762 attach_img agree Nisy 2018-9-1 63694 baisong1112 2018-9-5 12:05
预览 [PEtools] Detect it Easy v2.0 (查壳工具DIE) attach_img agree  ...2 Nisy 2018-8-31 106052 轩轩1018 2018-9-4 15:26
预览 [Patchers] UPX 3.95 (26 Aug 2018) attachment agree Nisy 2018-8-28 12939 dryzh 2018-8-28 17:02
预览 [Debuggers] OllyDumpEx_v1.62_2017-11-05 attachment agree 殘影 2017-11-8 44432 kml 2018-8-21 09:25
预览 [Decompilers] 一款自己觉得很好用的JAVA反编译class编辑器 dirtyJOE attach_img dryzh 2018-8-17 73779 ruanjian 2018-8-20 12:15
预览 [System] Process Hacker 2.39.124 Nisy 2018-8-15 323674 老伙计 2018-8-17 12:53
预览 [System] PC Hunter V1.55 attach_img recommend agree Nisy 2018-8-15 62646 yhage 2018-8-16 10:33
预览 [Packers] ASProtect 64 v2018.2 Nisy 2018-7-17 53572 cal886 2018-8-10 13:41
预览 [Disassemblers] 一款私藏的最新 Delphi 反编译神器 (IDR 最新最全版本) v2018.05.24 recommend heatlevel agree  ...23456..24 cxj98 2018-5-12 23730902 angelior 2018-8-9 14:39
预览 [.NET] ReflectorInstaller_10.0.8.814 新人帖 attach_img cd37ycs 2018-8-3 43291 dlhjz 2018-8-4 10:58
预览 [Packers] [.NET壳] Agile.Net [Cracked by 凉游浅笔深画眉/wwh1004] 新人帖 attach_img agree wwh1004 2018-7-29 64325 monk 2018-8-3 16:12
预览 [Other] [汇编转机器码]AsmToE Ver 5.4.0 By:美夜赤月 agree R-R, 2018-8-1 43369 guols 2018-8-3 09:56
预览 [Other] [OllyDbg 1.x Plugin] ScyllaHide_2017-12-02_16-17 agree 殘影 2017-11-14 63774 fst10 2018-7-31 15:05
预览 [Disassemblers] Cutter 1.6 - Codename "Arterial Incision" (Radare2 with GUI ) Nisy 2018-7-27 83874 baixingjian8 2018-7-30 10:25
预览 [Disassemblers] radare2 x32 v2.7.0 Nisy 2018-7-27 43533 disini 2018-7-30 09:31
预览 [PEtools] [原创]FastScanner V2.1 汉化版(不错的查壳工具) attachment recommend heatlevel agree  ...23456..26 zgmap 2009-4-26 25148905 零度° 2018-7-17 15:03
预览 [Patchers] 注册机编写器KEYMAKE1.73飘云阁专用版 attachment digest recommend heatlevel  ...23456..14 ZHOU2X 2006-6-5 131126977 tfgzs 2018-7-4 14:02
预览 [Android] APKTool 4.0 更新 attach_img Rooking 2018-4-17 33090 iseeyo 2018-7-3 17:45
预览 [Compilers] SASM (SimpleASM) - NASM, MASM, GAS和FASM汇编语言的轻量开源IDE attach_img agree  ...2 dryzh 2018-6-8 106678 飘云 2018-6-9 16:16
预览 [PEtools] Resource Hacker v5.0.42.304 pre-release 02.06.2018 cxj98 2018-6-3 02463 cxj98 2018-6-3 06:25
预览 [macOS] 【2016国庆献礼】逆向神器-Reveal2(8615)破解补丁Cracked By PiaoYun & Creantan attachment recommend heatlevel agree  ...23456..12 飘云 2016-9-28 11332587 badao 2018-5-30 14:35
预览 [macOS] 那啥,先预告下~~ 发布待定。 attach_img recommend agree  ...2345 飘云 2015-3-26 4111234 badao 2018-5-30 14:05
预览 [PEtools] PEID 0.94 PYG官方论坛专用版本【含最新插件&最新壳特征数据库】(061224更新) attachment  ...23456..7 飘云 2005-11-9 6332824 hhhccc 2018-5-10 02:15
预览 [Editors] Hacked Team 400G数据  包含VMP TMD等最新资源 yyjpcx 2015-7-10 64639 飘飘塔 2018-4-13 15:57
预览 [PEtools] 【2018.03.30】PE Tools v1.9 (Meet the new release of good old-fashioned PE To... recommend agree  ...2 cxj98 2018-3-31 115525 sunsjw 2018-4-11 13:51
预览 [Editors] WinHex 19.6 (x64/x86) Specialist license attach_img agree  ...2 andydau 2018-3-29 135884 flylinfan 2018-4-11 11:53
预览 [Other] Resource Hacker v4.6.32 final 2018-03-28 agree cxj98 2018-3-30 43031 Nisy 2018-4-4 17:09
预览 [Other] Markdown Monster 新人帖 aremat 2018-3-24 12906 howardlee 2018-3-24 20:33
预览 [Packers] VMProtect Ultimate 3.0.9 Build 695+ WebLM2.4.2.21 attach_img heatlevel agree  ...234 yyjpcx 2017-2-2 3420225 quecongsoft 2018-3-16 00:48
预览 [Disassemblers] IDA v7.0.180201 官方免费版 attach_img recommend agree  ...2 Nisy 2018-2-5 135796 xingbing 2018-2-27 21:23
预览 [Disassemblers] IDA Pro v7.0.170914 (September 14, 2017) + All Decompilers recommend agree  ...2 Superhero 2017-10-10 1410092 DMD 2018-2-23 20:47
预览 [Android] apktool v2.3.1 官方下载(APK解包封包工具) agree Nisy 2018-1-17 55022 雷破天 2018-2-6 20:27
预览 [Debuggers] win7 64位下 直接过猛壳的OD attach_img recommend agree  ...23 fpx_123 2016-3-12 2314603 ly83 2018-1-18 14:09
预览 [macOS] iMazing for Mac Patcher 新人帖 attach_img agree TwizzyIndy 2017-12-16 43416 yryinrui 2017-12-28 17:52
预览 [Decompilers] IDA7.0 WIN+MacOS+插件+补丁(欢迎补充)  ...2 Cain 2017-9-29 129201 Hellsing 2017-12-4 17:32
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