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『 密界兵器 』 今日: 1 |主题: 601|排名: 10 

版主: Nisy


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预览 [Decompilers] IDA 7.4 sp1(2019.11.12) Nisy 2019-11-13 62094 cariolee 2020-3-5 11:51
预览 [Debuggers] DeDe 3.50修改版 attachment  ...23456 yyjpcx 2006-1-9 5326320 sunkissfei 2020-3-4 13:00
预览 [Disassemblers] 一款私藏的最新 Delphi 反编译神器 (IDR 最新最全版本) v2018.05.31 heatlevel agree  ...23456..9 cxj98 2018-5-28 8519771 sunkissfei 2020-3-4 11:21
预览 [Debuggers] del attach_img agree  ...2 R-R, 2020-1-8 186188 天天微笑 2020-3-3 22:48
预览 [Compilers] X64 DBG 转shellcode slzslz 2020-2-15 51720 chyx 2020-2-16 11:48
预览 [Decompilers] Cutter 1.10.1 - "Arctic World Archive" 更新啦!! attach_img 蓝蓝深海 2020-2-3 43283 lies2014 2020-2-5 13:29
预览 [Decompilers] Relyze 3 Beta v3.0.3 Nisy 2020-2-4 2868 lies2014 2020-2-5 13:13
预览 [Packers] Obsidium 1.60.xx-1.67xx Fullkey attach_img agree  ...2 Rooking 2019-12-10 105221 glionying 2020-2-5 02:02
预览 [Other] 代码审计工具 Fortify SCA 19.10(含license) 新人帖 attach_img goldberg 2020-1-13 53494 haik 2020-1-20 13:43
预览 [PEtools] 从吾爱PEID9.5里面拿出来的1.24M的userdb attach_img heatlevel  ...23456..14 朦胧的睡了 2011-6-27 13630825 q214189912 2020-1-10 16:08
预览 [PEtools] PEiD+0.96中国破解组织专用版 attachment heatlevel  ...23456..11 千江月 2009-4-12 10435131 fengjiazhongxue 2020-1-1 19:09
预览 [Debuggers] OD插件及Themida脱壳脚本 attachment recommend  ...2 xuhw 2009-1-21 126473 snsolo 2019-12-31 15:56
预览 [Packers] Themida/WinLicense/Code Virtualizer (17-Dec-2019) agree PYG官方论坛 2019-12-23 52392 lspi 2019-12-30 21:23
预览 [Decompilers] Cutter 1.10 - "A Debugger steps into a bar" PYG官方论坛 2019-12-25 3921 hahawoo 2019-12-27 09:22
预览 [Unpackers] XVolkolak 0.18 (一款带虚拟机的万能脱壳神器) agree  ...2 cxj98 2018-6-3 156556 阿宇 2019-12-17 17:19
预览 [Other] 开源工具目录集1.0版 recommend agree  ...23 梦幻的彼岸 2019-7-6 215949 fishso 2019-12-17 09:27
预览 [Other] VeraCrypt 1.24 (TrueCrypt 的增强版) agree Nisy 2019-12-13 62914 fishso 2019-12-16 11:59
预览 [Other] 仿StronOD等按键使用习惯修改的x32dbg/x64dbg配置档 attachment agree 哥又回来了 2019-12-13 83255 cfq001 2019-12-16 08:16
预览 [Other] DebugView++ v1.8.0.86 agree Nisy 2019-12-13 32952 kanxue660 2019-12-15 08:27
预览 [Other] Delphi Debug attach_img agree  ...2 笑倾天下 2016-10-15 126024 哥又回来了 2019-12-15 08:10
预览 [Disassemblers] 【转帖】Hex-Rays.IDA.Pro.v6.5.READ.NFO-DVT  ...234 small-q 2014-8-14 369716 caoge1444 2019-11-28 14:29
预览 [Disassemblers] Relyze 3 Version 3.0.1 Beta  ...2 Nisy 2019-7-9 124503 irA8mNk 2019-11-27 16:41
预览 [Decompilers] IDA 7.3 Demo演示版 attach_img irA8mNk 2019-11-23 43005 xivice 2019-11-26 10:41
预览 [Decompilers] Binary Ninja v1.2.1921(2019-10-08) PYG官方论坛 2019-10-10 51203 zitiano 2019-10-28 20:13
预览 [Debuggers] [转发]SharpOD 反反调试插件 v0.4 beta attachment  ...2 yyjpcx 2017-7-6 127699 royisgod 2019-10-27 11:05
预览 [Other] 要不要制作一个飘云阁的工具包 recommend heatlevel agree  ...23456 殘影 2016-8-14 5913205 xinzaixin 2019-10-8 11:33
预览 [macOS] 逆向神器-Reveal 1.0.7 For Mac Cracked By PiaoYun/P.Y.G attachment recommend heatlevel agree  ...23456..20 飘云 2014-12-12 19541515 oksjx 2019-10-1 12:58
预览 [Disassemblers] Cutter is a Qt and C++ GUI for radare2 attach_img 蓝蓝深海 2019-3-21 82727 zhao_yiyuan 2019-9-23 14:23
预览 [Packers] VMProtect Ultimate v3.3.1 Build 1076 Retail Licensed attach_img recommend heatlevel agree  ...234 R-R, 2019-1-17 3210532 zhao_yiyuan 2019-9-23 14:22
预览 [Decompilers] IDA 6.6 安装版 +SDK heatlevel agree  ...23456..31 yyjpcx 2015-1-15 30543030 wz2988 2019-9-7 19:07
预览 [Decompilers] JEB v3.1.3 (March 18, 2019) attach_img agree  ...23 PYG官方论坛 2019-3-20 207362 Yougar 2019-8-25 04:34
预览 [Linux] UltraEdit for Ubuntu 64bit Cracked/完美破解版 attach_img agree  ...2 飘云 2015-3-27 1816514 UiGhur 2019-8-19 15:46
预览 [.NET] IntelliLock v2.5.0.0 [Cracked by Wwh / NCK] attach_img agree wwh1004 2018-9-23 53317 carreyxiang 2019-8-19 10:02
预览 [Editors] 黑洞资源精灵V3.0 小白神器,大更新,添加内存补丁制作、注入DLL等 agree 1102552553 2018-6-28 63822 wfq21952 2019-7-26 10:04
预览 [Decompilers] IDA and Decompilers v7.3 have been released(14 Jun 2019) attach_img  ...23 PYG官方论坛 2019-6-15 234451 ubuntu590 2019-7-13 11:52
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