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『 密界兵器 』 今日: 0|主题: 601|排名: 4 

版主: Nisy


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预览 重量级PE调试器 attachment ghc00259 2011-11-2 12567 chadd 2011-11-7 17:23
预览 [.NET] PELock.NetShrink.v2.6.Cracked.by.yoza_UpK_ attach_img Utshiha 2014-7-28 44123 Utshiha 2014-7-28 20:55
预览 [Other] [求助]便携版OD(带插件和工具115网盘已过期 chuan0326 2012-3-8 13509 cfc1680 2012-3-31 12:51
预览 [macOS] MachOView 2.4 attach_img agree 飘云 2014-6-26 35727 wingbywings 2015-4-9 16:03
预览 [Other] Enigma Virtual Box 解包器(EnigmaVBUnpacker)0.41a attach_img R-R, 2018-8-17 55318 nichenko 2021-3-20 11:12
预览 [Other] StackScraper - 利用对远程进程的实时堆栈扫描来捕获敏感数据 attach_img 梦幻的彼岸 2022-2-10 42412 夜先生 2022-2-13 14:08
预览 [Other] 一份应急工具集 新人帖 attach_img xdon9 2020-12-16 45182 Proudhao 2022-2-26 19:02
[Other] eXeL@B(CrackLab.rU)Видеокурс ВЗЛОМ 4-В-1 2020 俄语教程与工具包 - [阅读权限 8]agree 啊CR 2022-4-15 2204 xucom 2022-4-15 12:23
预览 [.NET] ReflectorInstaller_10.0.8.814 新人帖 attach_img cd37ycs 2018-8-3 43843 dlhjz 2018-8-4 10:58
预览 [macOS] 010 Editor 6.0.x For Mac 32bit Cracked/优雅通杀破解补丁 attach_img 飘云 2015-4-18 55015 还在呢 2019-6-24 21:49
预览 [Debuggers] 第一个公开的过ExeCryptor的OllyDBG插件(更新到1.25) attachment  ...234 yyjpcx 2007-11-18 3011165 ctt 2010-5-31 02:02
预览 [Debuggers] OD集成插件和常用工具版本  ...23 天琴空唱 2009-6-30 239028 zouwenze 2010-9-3 13:23
预览 [Debuggers] DIY版ollydbg 集成了Loadpe,ImportREC,记事本、计算器等 attachment  ...23456..7 aytcgjb 2007-12-31 6722851 cfc1680 2012-3-31 20:25
预览 [Debuggers] OllyDBG-AIO attach_img R-R, 2018-8-17 54032 lianliming 2018-9-15 11:54
预览 [Editors] 010editor 10.0.2 Linux版 attach_img goldberg 2020-5-13 54057 geekjunyi 2020-10-19 20:17
预览 [Decompilers] Relyze 2.17.0 32bit/64bit Nisy 2019-2-21 53774 hg137858983 2019-2-23 22:20
预览 [Decompilers] Cutter 1.10.1 - "Arctic World Archive" 更新啦!! attach_img 蓝蓝深海 2020-2-3 43636 lies2014 2020-2-5 13:29
预览 [Decompilers] JEB 3.17.1 Anti-Covid19 Edition by DimitarSerg xdnice 2020-4-22 33735 nevinhappy 2020-4-29 10:00
预览 [Decompilers] IDA and decompilers v7.5 sp3 201028 PYG官方论坛 2020-10-29 53532 Proudhao 2022-2-26 19:08
预览 [Decompilers] IDA Pro 7.5 SP2 released Nisy 2020-7-29 55337 Proudhao 2022-2-26 19:35
预览 [PEtools] PEiD 0.95飘云阁全插件版--by:hqsfang attachment  ...234 hqsfang 2008-10-31 3211708 973204 2010-8-31 16:28
预览 [PEtools] Detect It Easy 0.93 For Windows attach_img 飘云 2014-11-28 54449 殘影 2014-12-13 14:18
预览 [PEtools] Detect It Easy 2.01 yxg888 2018-11-28 52027 雷破天 2018-12-3 08:37
预览 [Compilers] Visual_Assist_X_2029 包含了破解补丁 yyjpcx 2014-3-9 54222 pcwindpyg 2022-1-7 19:46
预览 [Patchers] 试着汉化 dup2.14final attachment agree wofan 2007-4-27 940876 brightsm 2012-3-24 22:32
预览 [Patchers] 专业的补丁制作软件XCell attachment  ...23456..10 野猫III 2006-4-2 9331748 还在呢 2019-6-24 21:32
预览 [Packers] The Enigma Protector 1.96 注册机模块汉化版 attach_img speedboy 2010-6-1 15366 pjaaa 2010-6-1 17:18
预览 [Packers] Themida.v2.1.0.0 Loader attachment streamload 2009-11-29 35164 `x` 2010-9-28 02:04
预览 [Packers] The Enigma Protector 1.76 DEMO 提供下載 zenix 2009-9-9 24479 234111 2011-5-1 06:02
预览 [Unpackers] EnigmaVBUnpacker v0.55 Enigma Virtual Box 解包利器 新人帖 attach_img 慕若曦 2019-2-6 23625 panpan8848 2019-2-8 09:28
预览 [Packers] VMProtect 3.5 (June 10th, 2020) Nisy 2020-6-23 54088 erui 2020-6-27 01:34
预览 [Debuggers] WinDBG(微软开发的免费源码级调试工具) zkacb汉化版 attachment  ...234 zkacb 2007-8-10 3913051 linshuangxiong 2015-10-17 23:33
预览 [Decompilers] Relyze 2.16.0 Release Nisy 2018-12-6 43860 不破不立 2018-12-9 21:20
预览 [Decompilers] JEB v3.1.1 (January 23, 2019) agree Nisy 2019-1-24 33673 夜的静night 2019-3-24 20:46
预览 [Decompilers] Ghidra v9.0.1 (March 2019) PYG官方论坛 2019-3-28 32198 kevk 2019-3-29 12:07
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