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『 密界兵器 』 今日: 0|主题: 601|排名: 6 

版主: Nisy


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预览 [Packers] VMProtect Ultimate v3.8.4 Build 1754 attach_img agree  ...23 irA8mNk 2024-2-16 271894 clide2000 2024-3-10 17:17
预览 [Dongle] 加密狗类型侦测工具2.1 attach_img  ...2345 yyjpcx 2006-2-27 4947845 mage200 2011-7-1 23:31
预览 [Packers] VMProtect Professional v3.8.1.1695 attach_img recommend agree  ...23 irA8mNk 2023-4-14 275273 shan165310175 2024-1-18 22:33
预览 [Debuggers] x64dbg_tol by lynn [2016.8.20] - 使x64dbg支持中文搜索 recommend agree  ...23 殘影 2016-9-25 2615115 zgj1623 2020-11-19 14:33
预览 [Packers] NoobyProtect Personal V1.6.7.0 attachment  ...23 cokago 2009-10-17 2811095 lgdn 2023-10-16 00:09
预览 [Debuggers] Immunity Debugger 1.85 recommend agree  ...234 yyjpcx 2014-4-22 3213983 lhtzty 2022-4-15 22:30
预览 [Unpackers] 万能脱壳工具Quick_Unpack_v2.0英文版 attachment recommend  ...2 天骄 2008-1-7 128142 990091358@qq.co 2015-11-26 13:27
预览 [Editors] [转贴] X-Ways.WinHex.v16.6.Incl.Keymaker-ZWT theend 2012-8-17 93909 basaiyv 2022-5-19 21:18
预览 [PYG官方推荐]a__p大哥修改的OD ICY attachment  ...23456..21 Nisy 2007-9-12 20230414 wangwei628 2010-9-12 16:00
预览 [Other] 小生我怕怕破解最新工具包 recommend  ...23 fuzhz 2012-4-19 229805 523067000 2024-1-9 16:52
预览 [Packers] Themida_x86_x64_v2.3.3.0_Restore_By_PYG attach_img agree  ...23 PYG解密小组 2015-4-3 288813 gujin162 2015-7-5 09:00
预览 [Disassemblers] IDA and Decompilers v7.2 have been released(5 Nov 2018) attach_img agree  ...234 Nisy 2018-11-6 3110534 Zero_D_Saber 2018-12-24 10:32
预览 [Debuggers] StrongOD Special v0.3 UpK 特别版 No Nag attachment  ...2 cokago 2010-2-9 106978 gj8438 2012-1-16 15:07
预览 [Debuggers] x64dbg 官方简体中文版下载 agree  ...23 cxj98 2016-6-5 2610396 xieshenqi 2016-8-30 22:38
预览 [Debuggers] 发一个更新版的残影OllyDBG attach_img recommend agree  ...23 殘影 2015-11-30 2610615 列明 2016-10-17 22:34
预览 [Debuggers] Eugenio调试器,拥有众强大插件,秒杀所有强壳支持x32 x64 新人帖 attach_img agree  ...23 Eugenio 2019-6-8 2410275 jingjing668888 2021-12-25 16:20
预览 [Debuggers] W32DASM [PYG]特别版 recommend  ...23456..12 飘云 2005-10-27 11140042 dsfive 2023-1-10 10:39
预览 [Debuggers] 很久没有更新这个版本的OD了,更新下.... attach_img agree  ...23 殘影 2019-7-25 237953 winshine123 2023-12-19 10:40
预览 [macOS] Reveal 1.0.6去试用弹窗和右上角窗口试用标签 attach_img agree  ...234 creantan 2014-10-16 3012559 pygcnm 2020-10-20 17:01
预览 [PEtools] PE-bear 0.6.1 (Sep 28, 2022最新版) attach_img recommend agree  ...2 飘云 2022-8-2 183595 beyondkyq 2023-11-9 11:12
预览 [macOS] UltraEdit_15.0.0.11_For Mac 优雅破解--Cracked By PiaoYun/P.Y.G attach_img recommend agree  ...234 飘云 2015-3-15 3114489 wangxd 2023-9-13 15:55
预览 [PEtools] 新型查壳工具 attachment  ...23456..12 菜儿 2008-1-24 11728574 297951014 2022-4-19 21:39
预览 [Packers] Themida v3.1.8.0 Full Activated - Advanced Windows Software Protection recommend agree  ...2 Dr.FarFar 2024-1-29 195701 52soft 2024-2-7 07:45
预览 [Debuggers] OllyDumpEx 1.4汉化 attachment agree  ...23 冷月孤心 2014-12-19 227825 jisheng 2015-4-19 23:38
预览 [Other] IDA Pro 3 Hours Primer 2020-09【Udemy】 attach_img agree  ...23 风轻云淡 2022-9-9 254297 nilpoint 2022-12-15 15:39
预览 [PEtools] PEiD V0.95汉化版 attachment  ...234 小生我怕怕 2008-10-27 3913589 风雪淘宝贝 2014-2-22 16:14
预览 [.NET] .Net反编译和调试神器 DnSpyv1.5 agree  ...23 105860103 2015-12-26 229491 zhashia 2016-1-9 19:45
预览 [PEtools] 特征码更新工具 attachment recommend agree  ...23 yimingqpa 2022-10-24 223546 doglove 2022-10-29 08:01
预览 [Compilers] Visual_Assist_X_10.8.2023.0_Cracked  ...234 yyjpcx 2014-1-27 3211056 cyn123 2023-7-7 17:29
预览 [Packers] Themida X32_XBundler attach_img agree  ...23 yyjpcx 2015-7-20 279412 76151824 2016-11-6 00:31
预览 [Debuggers] win7 64位下 直接过猛壳的OD attach_img recommend agree  ...23 fpx_123 2016-3-12 2314823 ly83 2018-1-18 14:09
预览 [Android] Android tcpdump 抓包工具 attachment recommend agree  ...2 空道 2014-8-10 177347 huang5138 2017-1-18 09:38
预览 [.NET] Net反编译和调试神器DnSpy.v2.0更新下载 attach_img agree  ...23 xugk 2016-4-5 2210453 wzgangwzgang 2016-4-8 21:14
预览 [.NET] LogicNP CryptoLicensing For .Net 2018 PYG特别版 attach_img recommend  ...23 PYG官方论坛 2020-1-8 276913 飘零未忍 2023-11-27 18:15
预览 [Compilers] Visual Studio 2015 Update 1多语言版(支持跨平台移动开发) attach_img agree  ...2 yyjpcx 2015-12-22 196898 alfasanne 2016-11-14 06:27
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