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『 密界兵器 』 今日: 0|主题: 601|排名: 6 

版主: Nisy


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预览 [Editors] X-Ways WinHex 18.0 *Multilingual*  ...2 殘影 2014-12-17 185446 windos 2015-1-28 23:15
预览 [Other] 发几个漂亮的ICO制作注册机用 attachment agree  ...234 allcam 2007-3-31 3526520 yt753302 2015-5-25 02:11
预览 [Other] WinAPIOverride 6.72 32位与64位(绝佳的逆向辅助工具)4000美元 recommend agree 哥又回来了 2021-5-11 75010 DemoCc 2021-5-15 11:31
预览 [PEtools] WinHEX 18.7发布,ZWT的注册机失效了 attachment  ...2 wbsdty331 2016-2-11 1612487 wx_S66MgskK 2016-11-1 20:17
预览 [PEtools] Exeinfo PE v0.0.3.9 attachment  ...2 ejer 2015-10-14 186273 kkx 2015-11-10 20:33
预览 [Debuggers] IDA Pro v6.7 and Hex-Rays Decompiler Full Leak(ARM,x64,x86) attach_img  ...2 theend 2015-2-4 1816993 suhetao 2016-6-20 02:31
预览 [Debuggers] 零日OD修改版---可过各种强壳 [转载纯良作品] 新人帖 agree  ...2 LThs 2017-2-24 1511278 枯荷依风 2019-6-12 10:13
预览 [Debuggers] VBDebugger (PCode) v4.3 修改版 attach_img agree  ...2 yjd 2016-12-15 128521 mark900 2021-5-17 09:52
预览 [macOS] 010 Editor 6.x For Mac 64bit Cracked/优雅通杀破解补丁 attach_img  ...2 飘云 2015-4-18 158441 shuwawa 2018-12-5 20:23
[Packers] Enigma Protector v5.20_x86 Crack [NO INSTALL] 新人帖 - [阅读权限 10] ...2 tchivs 2019-1-10 13309 kolins 2021-9-19 20:46
预览 [Other] Delphi Debug attach_img agree  ...2 笑倾天下 2016-10-15 126096 哥又回来了 2019-12-15 08:10
预览 [Debuggers] odbg110 LifeODBG v1.4 attach_img  ...2 yyjpcx 2014-7-18 134866 gujin162 2014-8-26 10:50
预览 [Disassemblers] IDA Pro 7.2 recommend agree  ...2 dfui 2019-6-24 146072 xiaohu159 2019-7-2 13:15
预览 [PEtools] Detect it Easy v2.0 (查壳工具DIE) attach_img agree  ...2 Nisy 2018-8-31 106301 轩轩1018 2018-9-4 15:26
预览 [Decompilers] VB Decompiler v10.0 attach_img agree  ...2 冷月孤心 2015-6-21 146881 Linn 2015-7-21 11:09
预览 [PEtools] PEID 0.94 PYG官方论坛专用版本【含最新插件&最新壳特征数据库】(061224更新) attachment  ...23456..7 飘云 2005-11-9 6333136 hhhccc 2018-5-10 02:15
预览 [Other] 我在网盘上存的工具教程 xinjian185 2010-5-31 54276 qq6011 2015-5-8 01:47
预览 [PEtools] Resource Hacker V4.3.20  ...2 殘影 2016-9-18 158239 fengqingyang 2016-10-4 08:11
预览 [Other] 通用 Winlicense 注册码生成器 attachment recommend  ...23 hggg 2008-8-7 2715198 flexlm 2022-9-25 17:39
预览 [Packers] Vmprotect Ultimate 3.0.9 SND破解版(有BUG不推荐) attach_img agree  ...2 PYG官方论坛 2017-1-19 1212219 wjzzhtgp 2017-1-29 09:00
预览 [Decompilers] IDA 7.6  ...2 PYG官方论坛 2021-3-23 1414568 arhat 2023-12-4 21:15
预览 [PEtools] 【2018.03.30】PE Tools v1.9 (Meet the new release of good old-fashioned PE To... recommend agree  ...2 cxj98 2018-3-31 115741 sunsjw 2018-4-11 13:51
预览 [Decompilers] Binary Ninja Personal v3.1.3469【Windows+Mac+Linux】泄露 agree andydau 2022-7-19 72887 theend 2022-7-30 14:23
预览 [Debuggers] 祝贺论坛改版,发一个我刚写的插件 attach_img recommend agree aytcgjb 2010-5-26 33765 yyjpcx 2011-1-13 22:37
预览 [.NET] dnSpy 6.1.8 agree  ...2 Rooking 2020-12-8 116411 Proudhao 2022-2-26 19:04
预览 [Compilers] SASM (SimpleASM) - NASM, MASM, GAS和FASM汇编语言的轻量开源IDE attach_img agree  ...2 dryzh 2018-6-8 106878 飘云 2018-6-9 16:16
预览 [PEtools] Exeinfo PE v0.0.6.1(2020.06.02) attach_img agree  ...2 PYG官方论坛 2020-6-29 136512 shj2k 2020-12-17 08:14
预览 [Patchers] dup2.v2.26.1 (CH) attach_img  ...2 Utshiha 2014-8-6 155014 冷月孤心 2014-8-14 12:37
预览 [Editors] WinHex 19.6 (x64/x86) Specialist license attach_img agree  ...2 andydau 2018-3-29 136054 flylinfan 2018-4-11 11:53
预览 [PEtools] Scylla - x64x86 Imports Reconstruction.v.0.9.8 attachment agree  ...2 cjteam 2015-5-6 138907 song122 2022-12-9 05:45
预览 [Decompilers] JEB 3.7 Keygen 修改版 attachment agree samvon 2019-12-28 93205 ohyeah521 2020-6-3 06:03
预览 [Other] UpKPEiDSign.V20090904.By.fly[CUG] attachment Jonnes 2010-2-13 64605 天佑乐天 2010-6-5 21:12
预览 [.NET] .NET Reactor v5.9.2.0 [Cracked by wwh1004] attach_img agree wwh1004 2018-9-20 73268 spray 2018-9-24 10:55
预览 [Editors] WinHex v19.8 Professional Licensed attach_img agree  ...2 yxg888 2019-2-27 116541 zhaohj 2019-3-3 10:24
预览 [Debuggers] IDA 6.1 中文语言文件,F5,TAB等全部HexRays功能可用 attachment  ...2 jisheng 2014-3-20 125154 ruanjian 2015-8-29 14:30
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