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[Debuggers] OllyScriptEditor_The Lastest version

  • TA的每日心情
    2023-11-24 09:32
  • 签到天数: 12 天


    发表于 2009-4-16 14:17:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    This is ollyScriptEditor, enjoy.(Updated Release)
    Updated:Jan 2nd 2009
    changed the foreground color for default character .
    removed the highlight of comments & quotes , so non English user can display it correctly.

    Updated Jan 4th 2009:
    removed style accept for autocompletion and tips, to remove a bug reported by ahmadmansoor.

    Updated on Jan 11th 2009
    1-mru is added through right click on the empty portion of the toolbar
    2- minimize & close to tray is added
    3- tip for key word handle is added

    Updated on Feb 2nd 2009:
    more highlight is added and keywords as well.

    Updated on Feb 7 2009:
    1-change bitmap for tips
    2-added an option to enable\disable autocomplete

    Updated to version 9 on 11/2/2009:
    added author name and file date to status.
    all most complete tips file added, there are few left ,which can be easily added if needed.
    if there is no bug reported this will be final.

    Updated to version 10 on 23/2/2009:
    1- Added a menu to create custom hilite through a color picker
    2- reduced filckering
    3- fixed a bug related to mru,this should be an old bug so you should redownload.

    Updated to version 11 on 2/3/2009:

    added Save as to child popup menu .
    mru is tuned to reflect not found file.

    Updated to version 12 on 4/3/2009:
    menu is added to include variable in autocomplete as requested by ahmadmansoor.
    Corrected typing error in menu+some other small things.

    Updated to version 13 on 11/3/2009:
    1-added a menu to run script in ollydbg.
    2-edit some menu names to more meaningful names.

    Updated to version 14 on 16/3/2009:
    1-Fixed Var bug reported by ahmadmansoor (Thank you ahmadmansoor for your reports,I could not do without)
    2- Demo on how to use is included.

    Updated to version 15 on 22/3/2009:
    1-fixed small leak in var
    2-added option in TestMe menu to debug script (Thank you SunBeam for the suggestion).
    3-added a function in ODbgScript to enable debuging
    4- added a menu in OSWrite plugin to patch ODbgScript.dll to work with modified ollydbg

    Updated to version 16 on 25/3/2009:
    fixed tips's minor bug, reported by SunBeam(Thanks again SubBeam for the bug report).

    Updated to version 17 on 27/3/2009
    drag and drop is added (Thanks SunBeam for the suggestion and helpful debugging).
    once you drag , then the MRU and fileopened menu will be updated instantly.
    Recompiled ODbgScript.dll v1.67.3 for OSWrite.

    Updated to version 18 on 3/4/2009:
    1-add ability to lunch exe in ollydbg by dragging a short cut or an execute into oswrite
    2-restricted oswrite, it is now except script files only; that is file with extension .txt or osc.
    3- add option in testme menu to clear default oswrite debugger.(start ollydbg in presence of oswrite to set the default debugger).

    Updated to version 19 on 8/4/2009:
    1-added a skin menu (Thank you SunBeam for this one)
    2- added setting menu (now you can set OSWrite to exit on closing).( Thanks goes to SunBeam as always).
    3- small cosmetic changes.

    Updated for tiny open skin dialog bug.

    Updated to version 20 on 13/4/2009:

    1-some menu names are changed as suggested by SunBeam to more meaningful names.(thanks SunBeam).
    2-have oswrite sets scriptwindow always on top.


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    发表于 2009-4-18 09:56:49 | 显示全部楼层
    这是ollyScriptEditor ,享受。 (更新版)
    更新日期: 2009年1月2日

    删除样式接受autocompletion和提示,以消除错误报告ahmadmansoor 。

    更新日期: 2009年1月11日
    1 ,最近使用添加通过右击空白部分的工具栏
    2 -尽量减少与接近托盘添加
    3 -提示关键词处理添加

    更新日期: 2009年2月2日:

    更新日期: 2009年2月7日:
    1 ,改变点阵图的秘诀
    2 ,增加了一个选项,以使\禁用自动完成

    更新到版本9 2009年11月2号:

    更新到版本10 23/2/2009 :
    1 -时间的菜单来创建自定义hilite通过颜色选择器
    2 -减少filckering
    3 -修正了一个有关最近使用,这应该是一个老问题,因此您应该redownload 。



    更新到版本12 09年4月3日:
    菜单被添加到包括变量自动完成所要求的ahmadmansoor 。

    更新到版本13 09年11月3日:
    1 ,增加了一个菜单,运行脚本在ollydbg 。
    2 ,修改一些菜单名称,以更加有意义的名字。

    更新到版本14 16/3/2009 :
    1 ,固定无功错误报告ahmadmansoor (谢谢你ahmadmansoor您的报告,我不能这样做没有)
    2 -演示如何使用包含。

    更新到版本15 22/3/2009 :
    1 ,固定小泄漏变种
    2 ,增加选择TestMe菜单调试脚本(谢谢你阳光的建议) 。
    3 ,增加了功能,使调试ODbgScript
    4 -增加了一个菜单中OSWrite插件修补ODbgScript.dll与修改ollydbg

    更新到版本16 25/3/2009 :
    固定提示的轻微错误,报告的阳光(再次感谢SubBeam的错误报告) 。

    更新到版本17 27/3/2009
    拖放添加(由于阳光的建议和有益的调试) 。
    重新编译ODbgScript.dll v1.67.3的OSWrite 。

    更新到版本18 09年3月4日:
    1 ,购买能力午餐的EXE在ollydbg拖动剪短或执行到oswrite
    2 ,限制oswrite ,现在除了脚本文件,仅是文件的扩展名。 txt或振荡器。
    3 -新增选项testme菜单明确默认oswrite调试。 (启动ollydbg中存在oswrite设置默认调试器) 。

    1 ,增加了皮肤菜单(谢谢你阳光此一)
    2 -增加设置菜单(现在您可以设定OSWrite退出关闭) 。 (感谢新光一如既往) 。
    3 -小化妆品的变化。


    更新到版本20 13/4/2009 :

    1 ,一些菜单名称改变的建议,新光,以更加有意义的名字。 (感谢新光) 。
    2 ,有oswrite集scriptwindow总是在最上层。


    发表于 2009-8-24 20:44:50 | 显示全部楼层
    thanks for share
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